Mac Be All You Can Be Mp3 Download

Mac Be All You Can Be Mp3 Download
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, 2005.07.15

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Giventhat I just wrote an article describing someone who does like tostay on the cutting-edge of technology, I felt that I shouldexplain why low-end is a better choice - for me at least.

Not only do you save money, but you can generally be just asproductive with a machine that's a bit slower than you can with thelatest 2.7 GHz dual processor PowerMac G5.

You can find MP3 players (though playing lossy MP3 files may be the least of what they can do) that feature powerful DACs and amplifiers, giving you the premium sound and power that you'll need if.

'Oh, look - that MP3 is playing faster on this newcomputer!'

The reality of course is that whether you have a blue & white G3 running at 350 MHz(like mine) or the latest G5, many tasks just can't be done anyfaster with a new machine. Writing an email doesn't take half thetime on a G5. Instant messaging friends doesn't happen any faster,and showing PowerPoint presentations isn't '75% faster!'

If a 2.7Ghz G5 could do this for me, I - and many other people -would be happy to spend the $3,000.

'Look how much money I saved - I only paid $3,000 to becometwice as productive!'

That's a lot of money for a computer these days (then again backin 1990, people would've been grabbing up Mac IIfxs had they been $3,000 instead of$10,000).

With the Mac mini sellingfor $500 and coming with just about everything most home userscould want, spending more than $1,500 on a computer is questionable- unless you really need the power right now.

So why not let someone else spend the $3,000? You can buy themachine refurbished in a few months for $2,500. Apple-refurbishedMacs offer a one-year warranty just like any other Mac, and they'rejust as good as a brand new computer. (Editor's note: Low End Macpurchased its last three Macs that way.)

'This new machine lets me burn DVDs and play the latest gamesand watch TV and….

'Why did I buy it? To check my email.'

Don't buy more than you really need - unless you specificallyintend to use it. If you want to make your own DVDs, by all meansbuy a machine with a DVD-burner. But if you only use your CD driveto install software, you might as well save a bit of money, buy acomputer with a DVD-ROM or Combo drive, and spend the extra moneyon something that you'll actually use.

The same goes with the video card - why get a 256 MB card if youonly type up Word documents? But if you're doing intensive graphicsor animation, a good graphics card is a must.

Mac Be All You Can Be Mp3 Download

'I spent 6 hours copying my files to this new computer, but noneof them'll open!'

Sometimes switching machines can be a hassle. If you've had yourcomputer for several years, you've most likely installedapplications for which you've lost the CD (*cough* Umax scannerdrivers *cough*) or created documents that open only inapplications that aren't compatible with a newer operatingsystem.

Compatibility is always an issue when upgrading anything on yoursystem. Some old games used to work in nothing but 640 x 480resolution, and some newer LCD displays were incompatible withthem. Microsoft Office 98 had some trouble running on Mac OS 9without a patch, and most scanner and printer drivers eventuallystop getting updated, requiring you to either keep the OS you haveor replace the device.

I think I'll probably end up replacing my blue & white G3sometime in the next couple months, but what I will replace it withis still up in the air. A new machine is out of the question - Idon't need all the power, and I don't necessarily want to spendthat much money either.

But at the same time, a Mac mini won't do it for me, since Ican't use a standard 3.5' hard drive in it, and the 32 MB videocard just isn't enough to meet my needs. At this point it lookslike a refurbished or used G5 might be the machine for me, but I'llsee what happens.

What's for sure is that I know a low-end Mac can make me just asproductive as a high-end one - and I'll have money left over toupgrade the RAM and hard drive.

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  • Mac of the Day: Centris 650, introduced 1993.02.10. The replacement for the Quadra 700 has room for an internal CD-ROM.

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